Thursday, October 13, 2016

Bridge to Terabithia

Paterson, K., & Diamond, D. (1972). Bridge to Terabithia. New York: Harper Entertainment.

Bridge to Terabithia is a classic tale about a boy named Jess Aarons who had dreams to become the fastest runner in 5th grade. The 5th grade marathon race finally comes, but the new kid on the block, girl named Leslie wins! At first Jess was really jealous of Leslie, but he finds they have a lot of in common. Through their imagination they grow a strong magical friendship! The two besties find their escape in a forest and run into a fantasy land naming it Terabithia. Terabithia is an amazing land that makes all of their imaginations come true.Jess and Leslie experiences so many things together that makes their friendship grow. Things dramatically change when  a tragic event occurs and Jess is left alone feeling like his whole world is shattered. At the end, Jess learns that with loss there are always memories and with sadness comes strength. Bridge to Terabithia is a low fantasy fiction novel and a recommended read for ages 10+. After reading this book,readers will learn some important lessons including the value of creativity,  coping with loss, building friendship and so much more! In addition, readers will be able to connect to the bond of Jess and Leslie’s friendship and the battles they face trying to fit in at school. Once you open up this book, get ready to escape reality!

Movie Trailer

Book Trailer
Lessons & Activities

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