Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Instagram! Flipagram! Screencast!

What is Instagram & Flipagram?

Instagram and Flipagram are both social media apps that you can use to share photos and videos. The app I use more for my personal entertainment is Instagram...it is crazy to think that both of these apps are now used in the classroom! While exploring the two, I noticed why they are becoming more popular in a classroom setting. With all the constant updates they both share similarities! Below I will share with you my findings!

  • Allows users to now go live and share videos in real-time.
  • More appealing to all ages due to the participation of celebrities, companies, schools, etc.
  • Popular for reluctant readers. They learn through visuals and less text!
  • Built-in photo editor/collage maker.
  • Privacy options allow you to control who views your Instagram.
  • Users are able to simultaneously share their Instagram posts to other social media apps such as Facebook & Twitter.
  • Users are able to like, comment, or message followers.
Follow me on Instagram! @murielsbooknook
    A post shared by Muriel (@murielsbooknook) on

  • Flipagram allows you to create a slideshow that "flips" throw your pictures and videos for about 60 seconds.
  •  Users are able to also add their personalized touch by choosing animations and popular music that will go with their slide show.  
  • Now users are able to follow, like, and add comments to different Flipagrams.
  • Users can now search for and follow Flipagrams and hashtags to build their feed!
Follow my Flipagram! @murielsbooknook

A post shared by Muriel (@murielsbooknook) on

So, down below I experimented with this app called Screencast. Screencast-o-matic has different versions, however I have always used the free version! It works perfectly fine! This free app allows users to record an are of their screen and share! This is a great tool to teach students how to use certain apps, digital catalogs, websites, and the list goes on!  I hope you enjoy watching my screencast.

How can I incorporate these apps into my #teachinglife?!

Like I said, I have been using Instagram & Flipagram in my adult life, but how can I incorporate this with my students? I think after exploring what these apps have to offer I know that they both promote engagement and creativity! They are also a great tool to share book reviews, student progress, reminders, student work, and memories!

Flipagram! I think that Flipagram is growing in popularity with younger users. I feel like it would be beneficial for not just teachers, but a digital tool students can use too! My students would love to explore with this app because it gives them more options to add their own creative touch to their slideshow! It is pretty easy to use once you start playing around with it...I think that the popular music sold me (& my students)! I can see my students doing so much with Flipagram...maybe a Flipagram book trailer or book summary after reading.  (I am already thinking about digital projects!)


  1. Hello Muriel,

    I thoroughly enjoyed your blog, it was very informative and entertaining. The descriptions were clear and concise. I really loved your Flipagram and I must say I replayed it three times. I agree with your comments on the integration of these forms of media into learning communities.

  2. This was a great post...I have used popplet and given a training to other teachers on ways they could use it in their classrooms. The more I think about Screencasting, the more I feel like I don't utilize it nearly enough. I have GOT to start using it more for instructions for my kiddos.
