Sunday, October 29, 2017

My friend Dahmer: A graphic novel

Backderf, D. (2012). My friend Dahmer: A graphic novel. New York: Abrams.

Image result for My friend Dahmer: A graphic novel

Book Summary

Dahmer?!  Yes, My friend Dahmer, is nonfiction autobiography written by the infamous serial killer's high school “friend”. This book takes readers on a graphic journey of what  Jefferey Dahmer was like during his high school years. Backderf reveals many things about Dahmer including his internal battles of being an outcast, his alcohol addiction, and his weird sense of humor. Backderf allows readers to empathize with Dahmer in a way that makes them understand the reason behind his monstrous ways.

Book Review

This is the perfect Halloween read! Although this is a about a serial killer, this creepy graphic novel is hard to put down! This not a read to celebrate Jeffery Dahmer's life, but a book to bring awareness to the negative effects of being bullied and ignored. Some readers will connect with the Jeffery Dahmer's challenges as a teen including substance abuse and isolation. Backderf’s illustrations also brings a humorous touch to Dahmer's dark life.

More books about notorious serial killers!

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