Tuesday, November 1, 2016

It's a Book

Smith, L. (2011).  It’s a book.  NY: Roaring Brook

It's a book by Lane Smith is a picture book about a donkey, monkey, and mouse. They are all hanging out in the living room the donkey is entertained by an electronic device and the monkey is enjoying a simple book. The donkey is curious about what the monkey is staring at in his hands.He begins to interrupt the monkey’s enjoyment by asking him questions and the monkey redundantly replies by saying, “It’s a book”. At first the donkey is very negative about the book because it doesn’t tweet, text, or blog. The donkey thinks that the book has too many words, but the monkey allows him to take a peak in the book. Surprisingly the donkey gets hooked and can not put the book down. He has one more silly question for the monkey and the quiet mouse has a  jaw dropping response that will leave some readers laughing or speechless! Lane Smith’s illustrations just add to the humor of this short read. This simple read gets readers to reflect on how entertainment is quickly changing and how it will impact our society in the future. At first, this book looks like the perfect picture book for young readers, but at the end of the book the mouse rudely calls the donkey a “jackass”. Although this word was an acceptable synonym for donkey ages ago, it is not an acceptable term in the classroom.and can be offensive to some readers.

Book Trailer

Interview with the author!

Teaching Ideas & Lessons to go along with this book!

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